Sunday, May 18, 2014

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo

Google Search Tips Site Biography

We’ll wait here…+

How was it?+

Surprised? Like what you see? You just did something people do all the time.+

In fact, there are so many searches for names that they often appear in Google Keyword Planner reports.+

Even if you’re not Gini Dietrich (don’t worry, I’m not Gini either) people are searching for your name on a regular basis.+

Leaders and lawyers, salespeople, and service providers – some people get Googled a lot.+

If your business is based on who you are, personal SEO is a big part of your personal brand, especially if you don’t have a common name.+

Two Goals in Personal SEO Reputation Management

Managing search results is step one in personal reputation management.+

Depending on what you saw in your search, you’ll want to take control over these search results for one of two reasons:+

Look good! Improve the ranking for positive search results and listings that you can control.
Not look bad! Push down the ranking of any negative or neutral search results.
Take Control of Search Results for Your Name

Search results for personal names are usually a mix of social media accounts and bio pages.+

Social networks rank high because they are credible to Google and the profile page has a unique, rankable URL.+

By creating profiles on these networks, you can manage page one in Google for your name.+

If you’re trying to push something negative off of page one of Google, you can create profile pages on lots of social networks, even if you’re not

active there.+

It’s a way to push down the negative mention and do damage control for a personal reputation problem.+

Otherwise, there’s no need to get a Pinterest account unless you really use Pinterest.+

1. Google+

I’m not asking you to spend 10 hours a week learning a new social network. Just complete your profile.+

If you need a few tips, take a look at this: 15-Minute Google+ Jumpstart Guide.+

This is important because your profile on Google+ actually determines the snippet in Google search results. You can see how the snippet text is

a combination of four fields in your profile, listed one after the other.+

2. LinkedIn

LinkedIn profiles rank high. This profile should be as complete as possible.+

Embed a WordPress blog, embed SlideShare slides, seek recommendations, add links to your website and social media accounts, etc.+

Here are the basic ways to help your profile rank for your name:+

Make sure “Location,” “Position,” and “Company” are up-to-date, since these appear in Google search snippets.+
Click “edit” next to your public profile link.+

Pick a custom URL that includes your name.+
Make your entire profile visible to the public.+

3. Twitter

These profiles rank very high, as long as you use your real name.+

Even if you never use Twitter, complete the profile, then add one tweet to tell people where to find you “I’m not active on Twitter, but feel free to

connect with me on [other network].”+

4. Facebook

Facebook profiles often rank high.+

Although this profile may not be relevant to your job, make sure your primary profile picture isn’t unprofessional.+

Depending on your privacy settings, a lot of people may see it.+

Also, claim your vanity URL.+

5. Vimeo

Use your name, enter a short, relevant bio, add a link and set your location.+

You can also claim a URL and even add featured videos.+

6. Tumblr

This one also ranks well.+

By default, Tumblr accounts are setup as subdomains, so grab, if possible.+

The bio page is open HTML so add anything and everything.+

7. Quora

Quora profile pages don’t have a lot of info, but they often rank well.+

After you add your picture and short bio, follow a few people and a few topics.+

These topics will be visible, telling visitors what you’re interested in.+


This is just just a simple page that links to your other profiles, but they sometimes rank, so you may want to grab it.+

Upload a nice background photo and setup the links.+

If possible, use a URL that includes your name, such as

9. Flickr

Profiles include all the basic information, such as a profile picture, location, bio, and link.+

10. Pinterest

Here’s another photo site profile that ranks.+

Link from here to your other social networks.+

Use a URL that includes your name, such as

11. SlideShare

Here’s a network that lets you add a LOT to your profile page.+

First, set the account type.+

Now look at all that info you can add!+

12. YouTube

Sometimes, thumbnails of YouTube videos rank for names, so this is a great way to control your personal reputation.+

Create a video introducing yourself to the world and use your name in the video title and description.+

Just like everything else in search results, the likelihood of a social profile page ranking depends on how many other pages are linking to it.+

Fortunately, most social networks let you add links to other social networks in the profile.+

Linking between profiles is a fast way to optimize them all at once.+

Caution: As you create new social profiles, remember you’ll need to keep them updated. If you’re making profiles on sites where you’re not likely

to be active, avoid language such as “five years of experience” or “50 successful projects.” If you keep the descriptions more general, the profile

won’t go out-of-date very quickly.+

But here’s more to personal SEO than social networks…+

13. Author Bio Pages on Blogs

Guest blogging is sometimes considered a spammy personal SEO tactic.+

But you can’t argue with this benefit: The bio pages for guest bloggers often rank at the top of page one in searches for the authors name.+

One post on a site such as Entrepreneur may lead to a profile that ranks high for years.+

This is another way to manage your personal SEO.+

14. Your Profile on Your Own Website

There is one more super important place to manage your appearance in search results: Your own site, where you’re not “building on rented


You control it, so make it your masterpiece.+

Here’s how to optimize your own profile page for your name:+

Use your name as the URL.+
Use your name in the beginning of the <title> tag.+
Every profile on every social network should link to this page.+
This page should link only to current profiles and networks where you are active (these links can be “nofollow” and target=”_blank”).+
Link to your Google+ profile using the “rel=me” tag.+
Personal Search Results… Polished!

The entire process of buffing your personal search results should take less than an hour.+

It can make Google sparkle for your name.+

If your personal brand doesn’t sparkle offline, no amount of personal SEO will help, but for anyone who wants to shine it up online, an hour of

waxing and polishing is absolutely worth it…!+

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo 

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo 

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo 

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo 

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo 

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo 

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo 

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo 

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo 

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo 

Google Search Tips Site Dosti SMS In Hindi urdu Marathi In English Wallpaper Images Marathi Sad Photo 

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